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Published: June 11, 2020   |   Last Updated: September 23, 2020

Spread the word & help millions of qualified homeless and low-income families receive their Economic Impact Payment

Many Americans who qualify for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) are not aware of, and may potentially miss out on, this economic assistance under the CARES Act. While many taxpayers do not need to take action in order to receive any EIP to which they are entitled, there are other taxpayers who will need to take some action in order to receive an EIP.


Thus, the IRS needs your help to spread the word. Join over 100,000 other partners nationwide in efforts to reach those in your community who may be low-income, experiencing homeless or who may have Limited English Proficiency (LEP).

Visit IRS.gov for tools and information, including translated materials, on this outreach initiative. See how you can help share this valuable information with fellow Americans at risk of missing out on this economic benefit.

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